Cookie Policy

As KYASS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ, we use cookies to improve your experience during your visits to our websites. The use of these technologies is carried out in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, especially the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVK Law”). To get more detailed information about the processing of your personal data by our Company, we recommend that you read the "Protection of Personal Data" content at

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are identification files that websites leave on your computer to provide you with a faster and safer experience. They enable us to recognize your computer when you visit our site again and to provide you with services tailored to your needs more quickly.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

  • To improve user experiences on subsequent visits to our website,
  • To create analyzes and statistics that will help us improve the functions of our website,
  •  Keeping records of information entered into calculation tools,
  •  To be able to offer you our company's products and services in accordance with your preferences within the framework of your usage habits and to personalize our website,
  •  We use cookies to carry out more effective marketing activities.

Two types of cookies are used on our website: "Temporary Cookies" and "Persistent Cookies".

Temporary cookies are active during the time you spend on our site and are deleted from your computer when you leave the website.

Persistent cookies are created when you visit our website and remain on your hard drive until you delete them or they expire. Persistent cookies help us provide you with a personalized experience consistent with your settings.

Persistent and Temporary Cookies do not collect confidential information about users, including your personal data stored on your computer or files.

Where Do We Use Temporary Cookies?

Temporary cookies;  We may use “Captcha” on the “Contact form” pages, the official “Captcha” application used to verify that you are a real person and not an automated software, and the “Contact form” application.

Where Do We Use Persistent Cookies?

Persistent Cookies; We use it in personal data, recently visited pages and banners.

Types of Cookies We Use and Their Descriptions

Session Cookies

These are cookies that enable you to benefit from various features such as carrying information between web pages and systematically remembering the information entered by the user, and are necessary for the website's functions to function properly.

Performance Cookies

These are cookies that collect information about the frequency of visits to pages, possible error messages, the total time spent by users on the relevant page, and site usage patterns. It is used to increase the performance of the website.

Functional Cookies

These are cookies that remind the user of previously selected options for the convenience of the user. It aims to provide advanced internet features to users.

Cookies for Operational Purposes

These are cookies that enable you to benefit from the functions on this site or detect irregular behavior in order to manage and ensure the security of your systems.

Advertising and Third Party Cookies

These are cookies from third party suppliers. It allows the use of some functions on the website and tracking of advertisements.

How Can You Control the Use of Cookies?

KYASS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ does not store confidential information of its customers and users in the cookies it uses. Internet browsers are predefined to automatically accept cookies. However, you can control or delete cookies as you wish.

Managing cookies varies from browser to browser. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can change your cookie usage preferences in the settings section of your browser. Cookie management settings vary from browser to browser, and detailed information about cookies is available under the help menus of modern browsers.

You can use the links below to manage your cookies. If you choose to block cookies completely, the websites of KYASS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ may not work properly or you may not see special offers.


  • When deemed necessary, KYASS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ  may stop using the cookies it uses, change their types or functions, or add new cookies to the website.
  • Any changes made by KYASS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ in the use of cookies will be reflected in the Cookie Policy. We recommend that you obtain information about the use of cookies by reviewing the Cookie Policy from time to time.
  • KYASS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ uses cookies within the scope of the Privacy Policy and reserves the right to change the Cookie Policy when necessary.

What are your rights as a data owner?

In accordance with Article 11 of the KVK Law, data owners;

  • Learning whether personal data has been processed,
  • Requesting information if personal data has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
  • Personal data processed incompletely or incorrectly Requesting the correction of personal data, if any, and requesting that the transaction carried out in this context be notified to third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred, The person has the right to request notification to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
  • To object to the emergence of a result against him/her by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems,
  • To request compensation for the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.


If you submit your requests regarding your rights by calling our Contact Center at 0 282 758 20 22  at  or through our branches, your applications will be evaluated and concluded as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest.


Some cookies are used to offer you better service on our site. You can access detailed information from our Cookie Policy document.