As KYASS TEKSTİL SAN VE DIŞ TİC. A.Ş., our basic OHS policy and promises that we have adopted and committed to are as follows;
- To create healthy and safe working conditions with a zero occupational accident and zero occupational disease approach,
- To detect and eliminate hazards, risks and near-miss situations in the work environment,
- To provide the necessary communication activities to understand the needs and expectations of our employees and relevant parties regarding OHS,
- To continuously improve our OHS performance using the best available technologies,
- To take proactive measures by making the necessary plans for possible emergencies,
- To provide opportunities for all OHS trainings that may be required and to monitor the effectiveness of the trainings,
- To train our employees in the field of occupational health and safety and to ensure that they reach a good occupational health and safety awareness,
- To encourage the lessons learned and best practices on OHS issues and to spread them to all our work areas,
- To monitor, improve and audit the OHS performances of contractor companies within the scope of our OHS Management System,
- To detect risks and opportunities related to OHS, to evaluate them by integrating them into our processes and practices,
- To determine targets and create action plans to achieve successful OHS performance,
- To create a culture where the habit of working safely and healthily is internalized We undertake to establish and provide the necessary resources for this, to ensure the participation of all levels of the organization and our internal and external stakeholders, and to base our OHS activities on continuous improvement.